Yours Again upcycled denim aprons for Your sustainable business
Nowadays more and more people are interested in a sustainable lifestyle. They do their best to choose products and services that support this idea openly. The same is applied to businesses. While running a sustainable business might seem a little bit troublesome sometimes, it certainly pays off. It is quite complicated to measure the satisfaction of consumers when they are interacting with sustainable businesses, but it is obvious that they are much more positive towards them. And every business owner works to create a positive environment for clients as well as employees.
To put it in a few words, running a sustainable business helps you gain more respect from your target audience. They start seeing you not only as a retailer or provider but also as a brand that they can relate to. A brand that has a similar set of values as themselves. So maybe it is a time to start taking action?
We are happy to introduce new Yours Again product line – upcycled denim aprons for your home or working place. Made of 100% remade denim, sprayed with an eco-friendly fabric protector to relive a long second life. Less washing, more wearing!
Our remade denim aprons are made exclusively for businesses that strive to create their style without doing any harm to the environment. We make personalized work wear for barbershops, hairdressers, coffee shops, etc. You can choose from our color selection – navy blue, bright blue, grey or black denim and moreover, we can place your business logo to make it even more personal. This means that your employees can now wear guilt-free, sustainable and stylish uniform – just let us take care of it.
We believe in storytelling, values, and sustainability. What is more, it is amazing when a business can collaborate for a good cause and learn from each other on the way. That is what our team is more than eager to do. We are willing to learn from you about your needs and details about your business if you are open to the idea of sustainable clothing in your workplaces.
The truth is that if we all collaborate on issues that really matter such as loyalty of our customers, relationships with the team and sustainability, we can all start seeing results so much faster than by doing everything alone. Let’s open up and collaborate in order to introduce sustainability into your business. Your clients and employees will love it!